Friday, April 22, 2011

The Song Remains the Same

Today is going to be a busy day for me, I am still having a hard time converting the audio files from the Shanley so I can share them with everyone. It's not the first time I've had issues with it, but it is starting to annoy me.

Forgive me as I am cheating on this entry. I wrote this back on 15 July 2010 and sadly enough it rings as true today as when I first flew my fingers over the keyboard.

The Song Remains The Same
It has been quite a while since I posted anything. Don't think for one minute that I forgot about writing, just the opposite. There is plenty. Unfortunately, It's all the same thing.

Am I the only one who sees it as getting old? Has the ghost/spirit branch of paranormal investigations simply given up? Have they found all the answers and now they have nothing left to do?

Not all are singing the song, but there is one hell of a choir. Each one wanting the solo. Each one trying to sing louder than the other.
Not better - just louder.

Stand up and applaud those who are still trying to seek the answers. Assist those who are silently reviewing data week after week with no desires of fame and fortune.

Maybe I am simply blind to it, but I have not seen the UFO or Crypto branches engage in cat fights as often or as severe as the spirit/ghost people.

Total unity in the Paranormal is NOT possible.

The sooner people realize that, the faster we as a whole can move to what IS possible.



  1. Love you V ... luckily I can say, I don't experience the drama anymore. Its been nice. :)

    Miss you Kit!

    - Bri

  2. Thank you for posting this.
    love ya,
